Weekly Overview
Week of 2007-03-05
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Famitsu Software
Rank Platform Title
Publisher Release
1 DS Yoshi's Island DS Nintendo 2007-03-08 328 254,523 254,523
2 PSP Monster Hunter Portable 2nd Capcom 2007-02-22 412 95,222 998,201
3 PS3 Dynasty Warriors Gundam Namco Bandai Games 2007-03-01 6 47,137 218,169
4 DS Super Robot Taisen W Banpresto 2007-03-01 294 45,407 217,597
5 DS Professor Layton and the Curious Village Level Five 2007-02-15 271 45,092 253,445
6 PS2 Kenka Banchou 2: Full Throttle Spike 2007-03-08 2560 43,087 43,087
7 DS Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker Square Enix 2006-12-28 133 30,215 1,247,756
8 Wii Wii Sports Nintendo 2006-12-02 91 29,503 1,155,471
9 DS Pokémon Diamond / Pearl Pokémon 2006-09-28 261 28,774 4,898,302
10 DS New Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 2006-05-25 241 24,056 4,226,222
11 Wii Wii Play Nintendo 2006-12-02 90 21,175 967,160
12 DS Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day Nintendo 2005-12-29 105 20,943 4,127,409
13 DS Heroes of Mana Square Enix 2007-03-08 167 20,219 20,219
14 DS General Knowledge Training (Kanshuu Nippon Joushikiryoku Kentei Kyoukai: Imasara Hito ni wa Kikenai Otona no Joushikiryoku Training DS) Nintendo 2006-10-26 179 18,976 1,265,152
15 DS Unou no Tatsujin! Soukai! Machigai Museum 2 Namco Bandai Games 2007-03-01 318 15,937 34,822
16 DS Animal Crossing: Wild World Nintendo 2005-11-23 95 14,109 3,951,097
17 DS Doraemon: Nobita no Shin Makai Daibouken DS Sega 2007-03-08 129 13,452 13,452
18 DS Mario Kart DS Nintendo 2005-12-08 214 12,138 1,998,523
19 DS Picross DS Nintendo 2007-01-25 256 11,618 205,748
20 PS3 Virtua Tennis 3 Sega 2007-03-08 33 11,503 11,503
21 Wii Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Nintendo 2007-02-22 52 10,678 104,428
22 DS Bokujou Monogatari: Kimi to Sodatsu Shima Marvelous Interactive 2007-02-01 103 10,624 169,695
23 PS2 Result & drummania MASTERPIECE Konami 2007-03-08 2559 10,455 10,455
24 DS Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day Nintendo 2005-05-19 106 9,691 3,175,841
25 Wii Eyeshield 21: Field Saikyou no Senshitachi Nintendo 2007-03-08 51 9,220 9,220
26 DS Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Nintendo 2007-01-25 168 9,184 171,078
27 DS Zaidan Houjin Nippon Kanji Nouryoku Kentei Kyoukai Koushiki Soft: 200 Mannin no KanKen: Tokoton Kanji Nou IE Institute 2006-11-09 334 8,717 340,225
28 PS2 Rain lattice of a Japanese theater Nippon Ichi 2007-03-08 2558 8,515 8,515
29 DS Nounai Aesthe: IQ Suppli DS Spike 2006-12-21 244 8,222 153,830
30 Wii WarioWare: Smooth Moves Nintendo 2006-12-02 89 7,587 364,358
0 Wii Naruto Shippuuden: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX Tomy 2007-02-22 69 7,197 53,984
0 Wii Bomberman Land Hudson 2007-03-08 37 6,241 6,241
0 Wii The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Nintendo 2006-12-02 87 5,996 434,204
0 Wii Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 Namco Bandai Games 2007-01-01 43 4,033 92,108
0 Wii Pokémon Battle Revolution Pokémon 2006-12-14 72 3,945 226,708
0 Wii Excite Truck Nintendo 2007-01-18 50 2,326 65,780
0 Wii Cooking Mama: Cook Off Taito 2007-02-08 39 2,220 17,796
0 PS3 Virtua Fighter 5 Sega 2007-02-08 32 2,144 77,034
0 Wii Crayon Shin-Chan: Saikyou Kazoku Kasukabe King Wii Banpresto 2006-12-02 40 2,030 45,797
93 DS Sim City DS Electronic Arts 2007-02-22 284 2,024 62,623
0 Wii Densha de Go! Shinkansen EX: Sanyou Shinkansen Hen Taito 2007-03-01 41 1,864 6,379
0 Wii Ennichi no Tatsujin Namco Bandai Games 2006-12-02 48 1,707 84,591
0 X360 Crackdown Microsoft 2007-02-22 2645 1,610 20,576
0 PS3 Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom Spike 2007-02-22 31 1,607 10,979
0 Wii Elebits Konami 2006-12-02 46 1,425 60,096
0 PS3 Resistance: Fall of Man SCEJ 2006-11-11 26 1,405 114,039
0 Wii Tamagotchi Party On! Namco Bandai Games 2006-12-02 86 1,289 50,118
0 PS3 Enchanted Arms From Software 2007-01-25 7 1,288 34,111
0 Wii Bleach: Shattered Blade Sega 2006-12-14 36 1,219 66,916
0 X360 Gears of War Microsoft 2007-01-18 2643 1,178 55,556
0 Wii Super Swing Golf Tecmo 2006-12-02 85 1,174 54,727
0 PS3 Motorstorm SCEJ 2006-12-14 19 1,124 51,481
0 X360 Blue Dragon Microsoft 2006-12-07 2640 1,123 176,392
0 PS3 Ridge Racer 7 Namco Bandai Games 2006-11-11 27 1,064 132,517
0 X360 Viva Pinata Microsoft 2007-01-11 2734 785 8,143
0 X360 Splinter Cell: Double Agent Ubisoft 2007-02-22 2738 759 6,292
0 Wii Red Steel Ubisoft 2006-12-02 76 688 40,531
0 PS3 Formula One Championship Edition SCEJ 2006-12-28 10 653 32,408
0 Wii Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Sega 2006-12-02 83 645 34,336
0 PS3 Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight Namco Bandai Games 2006-11-11 18 635 129,983
0 Wii GT Pro Series MTO 2007-01-11 56 626 16,878
0 Wii Kororinpa: Marble Mania Hudson 2006-12-02 61 622 20,656
0 PS3 Sonic the Hedgehog Sega 2006-12-21 28 611 29,307
0 Wii SD Gundam: Scad Hammers Namco Bandai Games 2006-12-02 80 606 42,297
0 Wii Trauma Center: Second Opinion Atlus 2006-12-02 88 605 22,521
0 PS3 Armored Core 4 From Software 2006-12-21 2 587 79,419
0 Wii Mahjong Taikai Wii Koei 2007-01-25 62 553 6,613
0 PS3 Mahjong Fight Club: Zenkoku Taisenban Konami 2006-11-11 14 515 24,102
0 Wii Rayman Raving Rabbids Ubisoft 2006-12-14 75 468 12,956
0 PS3 Need for Speed: Carbon Electronic Arts 2006-12-21 21 418 34,227
0 PS3 Genji: Days of the Blade SCEJ 2006-11-11 11 388 53,024
0 Wii Need for Speed: Carbon Electronic Arts 2006-12-21 70 341 15,122
0 PS3 Mahjong Taikai IV Koei 2006-11-22 15 318 8,616
0 PS3 NBA 07 SCEJ 2007-01-11 20 308 7,406
0 Wii Escape from Bug Island Spike 2006-12-02 49 268 11,142
0 PS3 Railfan Taito 2006-12-21 24 258 9,435
0 Wii Wing Island Hudson 2006-12-02 92 255 7,798
0 PS3 Miyazato San Kyoudai Naizou: Sega Golf Club Sega 2006-11-11 17 180 13,695
0 Wii Monster 4x4 World Circuit Ubisoft 2006-12-02 68 138 5,619
Platform Famitsu
GCN 321 4,007,872 240 2,105,650
Wii 49,750 1,801,988 44,495 1,767,712
GBA 0 0 13 1,408,210
GBASP 753 5,924,935 679 5,924,003
GBM 803 566,652 812 573,051
DS 457 6,440,959 119 6,583,435
DSL 103,089 9,097,021 108,512 9,019,762
PS2 13,221 19,715,314 14,585 9,617,980
PS3 26,925 773,896 32,115 752,398
PSP 50,970 5,061,067 56,175 5,092,294
X360 3,240 360,397 3,333 333,425
--- --- --- --- ---
GBA hf 1,556 15,477,842 1,504 7,905,264
DS hf 103,546 15,537,980 108,631 15,603,197
--- --- --- --- ---
Nintendo 155,173 39,683,090 154,870 27,396,107
Sony 91,116 27,706,923 102,875 15,540,363
Microsoft 3,240 832,949 3,333 486,336
Famitsu Software Pie
Platform Percent
Wii 9.4
DS 59.9
PS2 13.6
PS3 5.3
PSP 9.8
X360 0.6
Other 1.2
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