Weekly Overview
Week of 2010-09-13
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Famitsu Software
Rank Platform Title
Publisher Release
1 DS Pokémon White/Black Pokémon 2010-09-18 4526 2,637,285 2,637,285
2 PS3 Front Mission Evolved Square Enix 2010-09-16 4524 55,062 55,062
3 PSP Yu-Gi TAG FORCE 5 Faibudizu Konami 2010-09-16 4521 53,380 53,380
4 X360 Halo Reach Microsoft 2010-09-15 4520 38,644 38,644
5 Wii Wii Party Nintendo 2010-07-08 4462 38,326 928,679
6 DS One Piece Gigant Battle! Namco Bandai Games 2010-09-09 4518 34,448 169,728
7 PSP Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airu Village Capcom 2010-08-26 4506 28,352 434,293
8 PSP Blue Roses - Fairy and blue eyes - Warriors Nippon Ichi 2010-09-16 4522 11,166 11,166
9 X360 Front Mission Evolved Square Enix 2010-09-16 4525 8,924 8,924
10 PSP Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (BEST Reprint) Capcom 2009-12-24 3830 8,762 428,351
11 PSP TRICK × LOGIC Season2 SCE 2010-09-16 4523 7,884 7,884
12 DS Inazuma Eleven 3 Challenge to the World! Spark Bomber Level Five 2010-07-01 4454 7,390 829,672
13 Wii Super Mario Galaxy 2 Nintendo 2010-05-27 3989 7,053 785,455
14 DS Art Academy Nintendo 2010-06-19 4015 6,941 173,817
15 PSP Ace Combat X2: Joint Assault Namco Bandai Games 2010-08-26 4510 6,800 122,003
16 DS Taiko no Tatsujin DS Ron Pedro! Roll up Jókai! Namco Bandai Games 2010-07-01 4456 6,550 212,002
17 PS3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Special Price Edition) Square Enix 2010-09-02 4514 5,989 25,268
18 Wii Metroid: Other M Nintendo 2010-09-02 4512 4,747 59,662
19 PSP Bleach: Heat the Soul 7 SCE 2010-09-02 4513 4,382 38,381
20 PS3 Sengoku Basara 3 Capcom 2010-07-29 4485 3,840 355,084
21 DS Tomodachi Collection (Friend Collection) Nintendo 2009-06-18 3609 3,751 3,427,147
22 Wii Mario Kart Wii Nintendo 2008-04-10 2854 3,624 2,853,935
23 DS New Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 2006-05-25 241 3,603 5,902,589
24 Wii New Super Mario Bros. Wii Nintendo 2009-12-03 3803 3,561 3,960,606
25 DS Heartcatch Pretty Cure! Fashion collection Namco Bandai Games 2010-08-05 4498 3,493 54,876
26 PS3 UFC 2010 Undisputed Yukes 2010-09-09 4519 3,283 11,006
27 Wii Wii Fit Plus Nintendo 2009-10-01 3719 3,273 2,079,068
28 PSP Hatsune Miku: Project Diva 2n Sega 2010-07-29 4492 3,112 323,104
29 DS Tamagotchi no Pichi Pichi Omisecchi Namco Bandai Games 2010-06-17 4010 3,015 84,399
30 PSP Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2010 Konami 2010-07-15 4469 2,884 145,579
Platform Famitsu
Wii 15,912 10,671,904 14,833 10,635,416
DSL 7,417 18,064,501 7,137 18,015,654
DSi 73,880 6,606,716 47,379 5,005,102
DSiLL 0 0 31,254 1,395,521
PS2 1,324 21,152,321 1,390 10,924,065
PS3 17,549 5,519,472 21,096 5,539,563
PSP 30,525 14,918,949 29,866 15,042,427
PSPGo 529 121,225 863 123,130
X360 4,668 1,359,153 5,804 1,369,328
--- --- --- --- ---
DS hf 81,297 31,120,378 85,770 31,001,751
PSP hf 31,054 15,040,174 30,729 15,165,557
--- --- --- --- ---
Nintendo 97,209 64,193,626 100,603 51,693,438
Sony 49,927 43,868,613 53,215 31,706,876
Microsoft 4,668 1,831,705 5,804 1,522,239
Famitsu Software Pie
Platform Percent
Wii 2.9
DS 86.4
PS2 0.2
PS3 3.1
PSP 5.6
X360 1.7
Other 0.1
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