Weekly Overview
Week of 2010-09-06
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Famitsu Software
Rank Platform Title
Publisher Release
1 DS One Piece Gigant Battle! Namco Bandai Games 2010-09-09 4518 135,280 135,280
2 PSP Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airu Village Capcom 2010-08-26 4506 49,172 405,941
3 Wii Wii Party Nintendo 2010-07-08 4462 43,060 890,353
4 PSP Ace Combat X2: Joint Assault Namco Bandai Games 2010-08-26 4510 13,461 115,203
5 Wii Metroid: Other M Nintendo 2010-09-02 4512 10,812 54,915
6 PSP Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (BEST Reprint) Capcom 2009-12-24 3830 8,911 419,589
7 DS Inazuma Eleven 3 Challenge to the World! Spark Bomber Level Five 2010-07-01 4454 8,638 822,282
8 PS3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Special Price Edition) Square Enix 2010-09-02 4514 8,265 19,279
9 DS Art Academy Nintendo 2010-06-19 4015 8,216 166,876
10 PSP VitaminX Evolution Plus (Vitamin X Evolution Plus) D3 Publisher 2010-09-09 4516 8,198 8,198
11 Wii Super Mario Galaxy 2 Nintendo 2010-05-27 3989 7,906 778,402
12 PS3 UFC 2010 Undisputed Yukes 2010-09-09 4519 7,723 7,723
13 PSP Bleach: Heat the Soul 7 SCE 2010-09-02 4513 7,565 33,999
14 PSP Face cards game Sengoku 不如帰 crisis Irem Software Engineering 2010-09-09 4517 7,175 7,175
15 DS Taiko no Tatsujin DS Ron Pedro! Roll up Jókai! Namco Bandai Games 2010-07-01 4456 5,333 205,452
16 PS3 Sengoku Basara 3 Capcom 2010-07-29 4485 4,935 351,244
17 PS3 Another Century's Episode: R Namco Bandai Games 2010-08-19 4504 4,521 230,952
18 DS Tomodachi Collection (Friend Collection) Nintendo 2009-06-18 3609 4,368 3,423,396
19 Wii Mario Kart Wii Nintendo 2008-04-10 2854 4,259 2,850,311
20 DS Metal Max 3 Kadokawa Games 2010-07-29 4489 4,082 69,218
21 PSP Hatsune Miku: Project Diva 2n Sega 2010-07-29 4492 3,906 319,992
22 Wii Dragon Quest Monster Battle Road Victory Square Enix 2010-07-15 4475 3,673 272,446
23 Wii New Super Mario Bros. Wii Nintendo 2009-12-03 3803 3,568 3,957,045
24 Wii Wii Fit Plus Nintendo 2009-10-01 3719 3,513 2,075,795
25 DS New Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 2006-05-25 241 3,413 5,898,986
26 PSP Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2010 Konami 2010-07-15 4469 3,284 142,695
27 DS Tetris Party Premium Hudson 2010-08-05 4494 3,257 55,186
28 PSP Sengoku Basara Battle (PSP the Best) Capcom 2010-09-09 4515 3,239 3,239
29 DS Harvest Moon: Twin Villages Marvelous Entertainment 2010-07-08 4460 3,182 142,417
30 DS Heartcatch Pretty Cure! Fashion collection Namco Bandai Games 2010-08-05 4498 2,913 51,383
Platform Famitsu
Wii 15,330 10,655,992 15,031 10,620,583
DSL 4,261 18,057,084 4,328 18,008,517
DSi 32,398 6,532,836 16,345 4,957,723
DSiLL 0 0 19,076 1,364,267
PS2 1,241 21,150,997 1,363 10,922,675
PS3 16,677 5,501,923 19,907 5,518,467
PSP 29,174 14,888,424 30,761 15,012,561
PSPGo 537 120,696 809 122,267
X360 2,185 1,354,485 2,915 1,363,524
--- --- --- --- ---
DS hf 36,659 31,039,081 39,749 30,915,981
PSP hf 29,711 15,009,120 31,570 15,134,828
--- --- --- --- ---
Nintendo 51,989 64,096,417 54,780 51,592,835
Sony 47,629 43,818,686 52,840 31,653,661
Microsoft 2,185 1,827,037 2,915 1,516,435
Famitsu Software Pie
Platform Percent
Wii 18.4
DS 42.5
PS2 1.2
PS3 10.3
PSP 26.0
X360 1.4
Other 0.1
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