Weekly Overview
Week of 2006-04-03
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Famitsu Software
Rank Platform Title
Publisher Release
1 DS Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day Nintendo 2005-12-29 105 87,278 1,883,251
2 PS2 Pro Baseball Spirits 3 Konami Digital Entertainment 2006-04-06 2421 74,093 74,093
3 DS Animal Crossing: Wild World Nintendo 2005-11-23 95 68,889 2,511,286
4 DS Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day Nintendo 2005-05-19 106 66,056 1,986,523
5 PS2 Pro Yakyuu Netsu Star 2006 Namco Bandai Games 2006-04-06 2422 55,943 55,943
6 DS Pokémon Ranger Pokémon 2006-03-23 264 48,313 322,090
7 PS2 Final Fantasy XII Square Enix 2006-03-16 2402 45,495 2,194,408
8 DS English Training: Have Fun Improving Your Skills Nintendo 2006-01-26 142 43,824 751,055
9 PS2 Let's Make a Pro Soccer Club! European Championship Sega 2006-03-29 2414 34,748 188,654
10 PS2 Another Century's Episode 2 Banpresto 2006-03-30 2415 27,638 147,556
11 PSP Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable Konami 2006-04-01 387 20,127 58,963
12 DS Mario Kart DS Nintendo 2005-12-08 214 19,814 1,257,895
13 PS2 Black Electronic Arts 2006-04-06 2420 14,982 14,982
14 PS2 Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Namco Bandai Games 2006-03-23 2406 13,175 160,461
15 PS2 Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires Koei 2006-03-23 2407 12,014 88,904
16 DS Children of Mana Square Enix 2006-03-02 110 11,532 206,679
17 PS2 Zettaizetsumei Toshi 2: Itetsuita Kiokutachi Irem Software Engineering 2006-03-30 2419 11,046 39,603
18 PS2 Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Ore no Sora Sega 2006-03-30 2418 10,827 34,866
19 DS Nintendogs (Labrador, Dachshund, Chihuahua) Nintendo 2005-04-21 242 10,242 1,200,964
20 PSP Monster Hunter Portable Capcom 2005-12-01 411 9,570 586,436
21 PSP Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes Namco Bandai Games 2006-03-30 418 8,688 36,799
22 DS Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop Bandai 2005-09-15 299 8,023 1,054,702
23 DS Daredemo Asobi Taizen Nintendo 2005-11-03 121 7,778 489,216
24 GBA Eyeshield 21: Devilbats Devildays Nintendo 2006-04-06 1719 7,234 7,234
25 GBA Crayon Shin-Chan Densetsu o Yobu Omake no To Shukkugaan! Banpresto 2006-03-23 1713 6,651 30,488
26 PSP Psalms of Planets Eureka seveN Namco Bandai Games 2006-04-06 427 5,429 5,429
27 PSP Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2 Koei 2006-03-23 365 4,988 25,960
28 PS2 Samurai Warriors 2 Koei 2006-02-24 2393 4,819 543,132
29 DS Chou-Gekijou-Ban Keroro Gunsou: Enshuu Dayo! Zenin Shuugou Namco Bandai Games 2006-03-16 112 4,812 33,173
30 DS Sudoku Gridmaster Hudson 2006-03-23 290 4,810 12,913
0 X360 Pro Baseball Spirits Konami 2006-04-06 2709 2,923 2,923
0 X360 Rumble Roses XX Konami Digital Entertainment 2006-03-30 2629 2,190 0
0 X360 Ridge Racer 6 Namco 2005-12-10 2625 869 0
0 X360 Over G Taito 2006-03-30 2707 694 0
0 X360 Dead or Alive 4 Tecmo 2005-12-29 2626 668 0
35 GBA Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 2004-02-14 1567 0 1,148,407
49 GBA Mother 1+2 Nintendo 2006-02-02 1709 0 27,629
Platform Famitsu
GCN 1,266 3,968,597 1,224 2,067,669
GBA 0 0 110 1,406,634
GBASP 7,817 5,777,595 5,211 5,784,410
GBM 3,192 469,825 3,103 473,489
DS 44,109 6,239,923 49,825 6,377,521
DSL 174,102 706,659 154,731 686,768
PS2 31,189 18,520,824 28,896 8,443,780
PSP 31,723 3,242,632 30,565 3,266,021
Xbox 0 0 46 152,468
X360 1,752 127,610 1,940 105,930
--- --- --- --- ---
GBA hf 11,009 15,233,675 8,424 7,664,533
DS hf 218,211 6,946,582 204,556 7,064,289
--- --- --- --- ---
Nintendo 230,486 29,006,262 214,204 16,810,775
Sony 62,912 23,920,102 59,461 11,787,492
Microsoft 1,752 600,162 1,986 258,398
Famitsu Software Pie
Platform Percent
GCN 0.9
GBA 5.1
DS 43.4
PS2 39.6
PSP 9.9
X360 0.9
Other 0.1
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