Weekly Overview
Week of 2006-01-30
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Famitsu Software
Rank Platform Title
Publisher Release
1 DS English Training: Have Fun Improving Your Skills Nintendo 2006-01-26 142 91,429 323,199
2 DS Animal Crossing: Wild World Nintendo 2005-11-23 95 69,401 1,808,869
3 PS2 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII Square Enix 2006-01-26 2371 68,535 434,030
4 DS Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day Nintendo 2005-12-29 105 67,797 1,152,654
5 PS2 Shin Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams Capcom 2006-01-26 2375 62,989 251,897
6 PS2 Tourist Trophy SCE 2006-02-02 2380 59,366 59,366
7 PS2 Nobunaga no Yabou: Kakushin Koei 2006-02-02 2379 38,560 38,560
8 DS Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day Nintendo 2005-05-19 106 37,174 1,537,016
9 DS Eyeshield 21 Max Devil Power ! Nintendo 2006-02-02 144 36,926 36,926
10 DS Mario Kart DS Nintendo 2005-12-08 214 21,452 1,081,340
11 PSP Monster Hunter Portable Capcom 2005-12-01 411 20,484 381,866
12 PS2 Exciting Pro Wrestling 7: Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 Yukes 2006-02-02 2378 19,611 19,611
13 PS2 World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 Bonus Pack Konami 2006-01-26 2377 17,589 39,049
14 PS2 Ar Tonelico: Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsudukeru Shoujo Banpresto 2006-01-26 2368 17,546 74,496
15 DS Big Brain Academy Nintendo 2005-06-30 99 17,344 1,156,980
16 GCN Super Mario Strikers Nintendo 2006-01-19 1776 15,502 110,003
17 DS Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop Bandai 2005-09-15 299 9,888 979,634
18 DS Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time Nintendo 2005-12-29 212 9,052 322,628
19 DS Nintendogs (Labrador, Dachshund, Chihuahua) Nintendo 2005-04-21 242 8,327 1,121,365
20 DS Bleach DS: Souten ni Kakeru Unmei Sega 2006-01-26 102 8,094 42,992
21 DS Daredemo Asobi Taizen Nintendo 2005-11-03 121 7,963 419,403
22 DS Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team Pokémon 2005-11-17 263 7,788 672,315
23 PS2 Kingdom Hearts II Square Enix 2005-12-22 2352 7,492 1,083,217
24 GBA Pokemon Dungeon: Red Rescue Team Pokémon 2005-11-17 1702 7,281 652,511
25 GBA Mega Man EXE 6 Cybeast Gregar/Falzar Capcom 2005-11-23 1703 7,193 535,026
26 PS2 Yakuza Sega 2005-12-08 2342 5,448 331,049
27 GBA Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 2004-02-14 1567 5,374 1,105,707
28 PS2 Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3 Bandai 2005-12-22 2354 5,105 319,353
29 PS2 Samurai Spirits: Tenkaichi Kenkakuden SNK Playmore 2006-01-26 2374 5,026 25,365
30 PSP Nou Ryoku Trainer Portable Sega 2005-10-20 421 5,021 249,866
32 PSP Talkman SCEJ 2005-11-17 451 0 0
61 PS2 Siren (PlayStation 2 the Best) SCE 2005-11-02 2308 0 0
Platform Famitsu
GCN 2,427 3,954,346 2,138 2,053,653
GBA 0 0 115 1,405,613
GBASP 6,539 5,719,069 5,649 5,736,900
GBM 3,658 437,236 3,199 444,141
DS 19,644 5,852,623 25,321 5,988,532
PS2 25,434 18,232,427 24,780 8,162,570
PSP 28,665 2,930,485 25,905 2,968,238
Xbox 0 0 101 151,728
X360 2,022 114,679 2,194 91,937
--- --- --- --- ---
GBA hf 10,197 15,142,560 8,963 7,586,654
--- --- --- --- ---
Nintendo 32,268 27,806,937 36,422 15,643,123
Sony 54,099 23,319,558 50,685 11,208,499
Microsoft 2,022 587,231 2,295 243,665
Famitsu Software Pie
Platform Percent
GCN 2.8
GBA 5.3
DS 41.0
PS2 42.5
PSP 7.6
X360 0.8
Other 0.1
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