Nintendo DS Worldwide Software Shipments
Quarterly values derived from quarterly lifetime values. Values given are in millions. Yearly column adds up the previous four quarters, with italic numbers showing calendar year totals and bold numbers showing fiscal year numbers.
INCOMPLETE. These numbers are still being regularly reported, and depending on this author's interest level this page may not reflect the most up-to-date values.
Closely related: * DS_WW * DS_JP_SW * DS_NA_SW * DS_EU_SW * GBA_WW_SW * 3DS_WW_SW * GCN_WW_SW * Wii_WW_SW *
Quarter Day Date Quarterly Yearly LTD
0 0 2004-11-21 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 40 2004-12-31 5.01 5.01 5.01
2 130 2005-03-31 5.48 10.49 10.49
3 221 2005-06-30 5.33 15.82 15.82
4 313 2005-09-30 7.98 23.80 23.80
5 405 2005-12-31 22.60 41.39 46.40
6 495 2006-03-31 14.04 49.95 60.44
7 586 2006-06-30 18.35 62.97 78.79
8 678 2006-09-30 24.81 79.80 103.60
9 770 2006-12-31 50.63 107.83 154.23
10 860 2007-03-31 29.75 123.54 183.98
11 951 2007-06-30 34.26 139.45 218.24
12 1043 2007-09-30 41.24 155.88 259.48
13 1135 2007-12-31 71.39 176.64 330.87
14 1226 2008-03-31 38.74 185.63 369.61
15 1317 2008-06-30 36.58 187.95 406.19
16 1409 2008-09-30 48.44 195.15 454.63
17 1501 2008-12-31 78.75 202.51 533.38
18 1591 2009-03-31 33.54 197.31 566.92
19 1682 2009-06-30 29.08 189.81 596.00
20 1774 2009-09-30 42.07 183.44 638.07
21 1866 2009-12-31 50.22 154.91 688.29
22 1956 2010-03-31 30.21 151.58 718.50
23 2047 2010-06-30 22.43 144.93 740.93
24 2139 2010-09-30 32.41 135.27 773.34
25 2231 2010-12-31 44.15 129.20 817.49
26 2321 2011-03-31 21.99 120.98 839.48
27 2412 2011-06-30 12.14 110.69 851.62
28 2504 2011-09-30 16.86 95.14 868.48
29 2596 2011-12-31 22.21 73.20 890.69
30 2687 2012-03-31 9.62 60.83 900.31
31 2778 2012-06-30 8.48 57.17 908.79
32 2870 2012-09-30 8.82 49.13 917.61
33 2962 2012-12-31 12.94 39.86 930.55
34 3052 2013-03-31 3.14 33.38 933.69
35 3143 2013-06-30 2.15 27.05 935.84
36 3235 2013-09-30 3.09 21.32 938.93
37 3327 2013-12-31 3.39 11.77 942.32
38 3417 2014-03-31 1.66 10.29 943.98
39 3508 2014-06-30 0.63 8.77 944.61
40 3600 2014-09-30 0.87 6.55 945.48
41 3692 2014-12-31 1.14 4.30 946.62
42 3782 2015-03-31 0.35 2.99 946.97
43 3873 2015-06-30 0.23 2.59 947.20
44 3965 2015-09-30 0.32 2.04 947.52
45 4057 2015-12-31 0.33 1.23 947.85
46 4148 2016-03-31 0.38 1.26 948.23
47 4239 2016-06-30 0.14 1.17 948.37
48 4331 2016-09-30 0.07 0.92 948.44
49 4423 2016-12-31 0.07 0.66 948.51
50 4513 2017-03-31 0.04 0.32 948.55
54 4878 2018-03-31 0.06 948.61
58 5243 2019-03-31 0.03 948.64
62 5609 2020-03-31 0.05 948.69
66 5974 2021-03-31 0.05 948.74
70 6339 2022-03-31 0.02 948.76

Static Shipments