Metal Gear 20th Anniversary - Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
Game ID: 2926
Title English: Metal Gear 20th Anniversary - Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
Title Japanese: メタルギア20thアニバーサリー メタルギアソリッドポータブル・オプス
Platform: PSP
Publisher: Konami
Release Date: 2007-07-26
Launch Price: 0
Belongs to groups: Metal Gear
Belongs to super groups: DS PSP minus Nintendo first party, PSP 2007 releases, PSP all, PSP third party
Week | Rank | Sales Weekly | Sales LTD | Hardware Weekly | Hardware LTD | Attach % Weekly | Attach % LTD | Legs Weekly | Legs LTD |
2007-12-24 | 0 | 0 | 20,776 | 157,984 | 7,535,313 | 0.00 | 0.28 | | |
| | | 20,776 | | 19,378,760 | | 0.11 |
GID 2925 - GID 2926 - GID 2927
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Cached file from: 2025-03-15, 21:45:17 CDT