Software Groups
Games SalesLTD
136 .hack
10 1,367,329
197 >500K start, <1M finish
7 5,883,249
138 1+ million
SKUs that have sold over 1 million copies.
78 170,655,042
211 1+ million first week
13 45,712,127
139 2+ million
SKUs that have sold over 2 million copies.
28 103,352,588
212 2+ million first week
4 17,652,789
204 2D Mario Platformers
11 18,945,749
140 3+ million
SKUs that have sold over 3 million copies.
17 76,027,843
41 3D Mario Platformers
6 7,489,137
264 3DS Late 2011 Triumvirate
3 5,374,894
141 4+ million
SKUs that have sold over 4 million copies.
8 41,865,206
187 428
3 132,320
142 5+ million
SKUs that have sold over 5 million copies.
6 33,207,486
210 6+ million
SKUs that have sold over 6 million copies.
1 6,402,912
27 Ace Attorney
15 2,573,607
265 Ace Attorney + Investigations
Combining Ace Attorney and its spinoff series.
18 3,106,802
215 Ace Attorney Investigations
3 533,195
92 Ace Attorney NEW Best Price! 2000
4 535,056
58 Ace Combat
9 1,305,712
1 Animal Crossing
6 10,477,894
28 Apollo Justice
2 640,826
88 Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
2 640,826
266 Armored Core
21 1,790,903
221 Assassin's Creed
18 674,299
234 Atelier
19 752,843
113 Band Brothers
2 661,096
101 Bandai's Family X
9 500,482
161 Banjo-Kazooie
2 600,207
57 Baten Kaitos
2 152,912
94 Battalion Wars
2 129,651
223 Bayonetta
4 335,792
93 Bleach: Heat the Soul
8 557,858
178 Boku no Natsuyasumi
7 795,325
2 Bomberman
15 845,311
239 Brain Age
2 8,889,979
194 Brownie Brown
Games developed or co-developed by Brownie Brown.
7 1,096,935
185 Call of Duty
27 2,099,122
275 Call of Duty 3
2 46,959
276 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
5 401,573
278 Call of Duty: Black Ops
3 342,564
277 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
8 439,798
279 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
4 405,454
199 Capcom PS2/GCN to Wii ports
9 670,732
3 Castlevania
15 569,848
224 Chaos;Head
5 85,014
175 Chibi-Robo!
4 435,561
68 Chocobo
4 381,352
184 Culdcept
4 267,874
162 Custom Robo
4 739,413
4 Dead or Alive
13 1,230,890
253 Dead Rising
7 335,814
173 Deca Sporta
6 428,632
114 Derby Stallion
5 1,238,405
5 Devil May Cry
14 2,195,566
170 Disaster Report
3 267,949
82 Disgaea
15 902,294
218 Dissidia
5 1,442,131
8 DK Bongo
4 834,047
7 Donkey Kong
16 4,185,994
9 Dragon Ball
36 5,948,796
192 Dragon Quest
Everything Dragon Quest-related.
35 23,563,292
272 Dragon Quest Monsters
6 4,851,419
116 Dragon Quest V
Different releases of Dragon Quest V
3 2,998,338
180 Dragon Quest VIII
2 3,688,561
270 Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
aka Gundam Musou
13 1,676,510
83 Etrian Odyssey
3 402,381
186 Everblue / Endless Ocean
3 100,970
256 Excite
Excitebike and others.
3 296,913
209 EXTREME hack and slash titles
1 20,749
10 Famicom Mini
31 4,404,791
207 Famitsu 2009 Top 1000 Gang
2009 releases that never made weekly Top 30s and would have been missed except for the yearly Top 1000.
337 4,595,364
208 Famitsu 2009 Top 1000 Gang 2008
2008 releases that never made weekly Top 30s or 2008 Top 500 and would have been missed except for the 2009 Top 1000.
85 1,809,979
219 Famitsu 2010 Top 1000 Gang
2010 releases that never made weekly Top 30s and would have been missed except for the yearly Top 1000.
296 2,700,125
220 Famitsu 2010 Top 1000 Gang 2009
2009 releases that never made weekly Top 30s or 2009 Top 1000 and would have been missed except for the 2010 Top 1000.
25 249,882
198 Famitsu 40/40
16 20,506,320
64 Famous Five
6 30,138,435
117 Fatal Frame
7 304,752
73 Feel the Magic
2 125,686
193 Final Fantasy
Everything Final Fantasy-related.
67 21,884,622
56 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
5 1,129,693
121 Final Fantasy IV
Different releases of Final Fantasy IV.
4 1,069,527
50 Final Fantasy Tactics
4 1,051,081
6 Final Fantasy VII world
Games set in the world of Final Fantasy VII
3 1,370,832
144 Final Fantasy X
Different releases of Final Fantasy X.
6 3,017,251
145 Final Fantasy X-2
Different releases of Final Fantasy X-2.
4 2,320,353
79 Final Fantasy XI
12 708,666
146 Final Fantasy XII
Different releases of Final Fantasy XII.
3 2,463,367
222 Final Fantasy XIII
Different releases of Final Fantasy XIII.
2 1,921,175
52 Fire Emblem
8 2,128,796
225 Forza
7 255,352
53 Front Mission
6 666,508
251 Gears of War
4 201,906
54 Golden Sun
3 662,459
11 Gran Turismo
11 5,326,970
12 Grand Theft Auto
23 2,773,119
252 Growlanser
8 490,129
70 Guilty Gear
11 546,617
71 Gun Survivor
4 236,734
55 Halo
9 423,343
91 Harvest Moon
24 2,144,680
13 Hot Shots Golf
15 4,840,603
14 Hot Shots Golf 3
2 1,226,480
15 Hot Shots Golf 4
3 1,716,600
16 Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 1
2 660,278
86 Idolmaster
18 823,531
196 Inazuma Eleven
10 4,250,334
260 Itadaki Street
7 1,330,286
48 Jissen Pachislot
20 2,897,580
62 Katamari
8 646,547
190 Katekyoo Hitman Reborn!
16 642,885
157 Kenka Banchou
5 377,750
72 King of Fighters
20 667,908
17 Kingdom Hearts
14 5,443,455
149 Kirby
11 7,214,276
263 Konami's Magician/Tongari Boushi
4 1,029,937
255 Kururin
3 364,216
274 Little Battlers eXperience
4 527,422
84 Lost Planet
4 144,300
226 LovePlus
3 451,946
95 Luminous Arc
2 123,936
202 Lunar
3 53,238
60 Magical Vacation
2 286,538
280 Magician's Quest / Tongari Boushi
5 1,148,885
67 Mana
4 998,161
240 Mario
Games with Mario in the title.
68 58,217,842
160 Mario & Luigi
3 1,601,873
262 Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
6 1,875,354
109 Mario Baseball
2 447,586
110 Mario Golf
3 752,484
65 Mario Kart
6 12,952,095
18 Mario Party
11 9,342,076
112 Mario Soccer
2 417,549
66 Mario Sports
19 6,446,028
111 Mario Tennis
5 2,046,744
213 Mass Effect
5 54,487
63 Mega Man
33 6,076,215
201 Mega Man Battle Network
13 3,837,486
153 Mega Man Star Force
4 1,176,323
19 Metal Gear
28 5,251,178
176 Metal Gear Solid 4
2 896,434
20 Metroid
9 657,637
21 Metroid Prime
5 295,841
254 Mickey Mouse
5 234,118
238 Minna no Susume
10 461,717
59 Mistwalker
3 464,497
148 Monolith Soft
15 1,905,033
22 Monster Hunter
30 17,709,826
179 Monster Hunter 2 PS2
2 692,005
245 Monster Hunter Diary
"Monster Hunter Diary" spinoff series.
2 794,178
246 Monster Hunter Frontier
"Monster Hunter Frontier" MMO releases.
8 195,626
167 Monster Hunter G
Different releases of Monster Hunter G.
2 468,259
165 Monster Hunter home console
Monster Hunter games released for home consoles.
17 3,321,265
242 Monster Hunter mainline
Mainline Monster Hunter series.
9 4,509,235
249 Monster Hunter Microsoft
Monster Hunter games released on Microsoft machines.
9 201,985
248 Monster Hunter Nintendo
Monster Hunter games released on Nintendo machines.
5 3,296,432
243 Monster Hunter Portable
"Monster Hunter Portable" subseries.
9 12,041,692
168 Monster Hunter Portable 1
Different releases of the first PSP Monster Hunter Portable game.
3 1,122,604
169 Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G
Different releases of PSP Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G.
3 4,155,472
244 Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Different releases of MHP3rd.
3 5,205,955
166 Monster Hunter portable console
Monster Hunter games released for portable systems.
12 14,143,351
250 Monster Hunter PSP
11 12,594,105
247 Monster Hunter Sony
Monster Hunter games released on Sony machines.
16 14,211,409
23 Mother
3 753,484
24 Mother 1+2
2 384,902
203 Need for Speed
28 824,394
164 New Play Control!
6 721,332
205 New Super Mario Bros.
4 13,332,321
258 Ni no Kuni
3 672,964
2 78,114
99 Ninja Gaiden
8 317,777
216 Nintendogs
2 2,640,186
237 No More Heroes
5 127,822
227 Nobunaga's Ambition
23 1,235,559
147 One Piece
23 3,979,472
25 Onimusha
9 3,168,037
241 Ouendan
2 267,484
159 Paper Mario
4 1,821,666
174 Patapon
5 372,190
118 Persona
13 1,641,197
228 Phantasy Star
14 2,333,358
26 Phoenix Wright
12 1,653,148
31 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
5 656,879
32 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All
4 508,511
33 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
3 487,758
30 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney DS
3 528,278
29 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney GBA
2 128,601
34 Pikmin
4 1,292,889
35 Pokémon
32 43,991,595
100 Pokémon Ranger
3 1,803,163
181 Pokémon remakes
2 6,957,327
158 Pokémon Stadium-ish
Console games made to use players' portable Pokémon in higher quality battle arenas.
5 3,566,411
229 Prince of Persia
7 103,467
154 Professor Layton
6 4,052,570
230 Puyo Puyo
25 1,775,272
122 Ratchet & Clank
13 1,589,723
36 Resident Evil
44 6,658,644
171 Resident Evil 4
9 1,319,343
172 Resident Evil 5
5 1,041,570
273 Resident Evil 6
2 858,509
152 Resistance
5 267,120
119 Rhythm Tengoku
3 2,799,152
123 Ridge Racer
9 1,351,266
257 Rocket Slime
Slime Morimori
4 744,225
231 Romance of the Three Kingdoms
18 905,610
155 Rune Factory
7 586,887
74 SaGa
4 1,131,518
259 Saints Row
7 129,747
137 Sakura Taisen
7 633,805
37 Seaman
3 389,964
124 Sega Ages 2500 Series
12 343,631
232 Sengoku Basara
20 2,123,710
125 Shadow Hearts
4 335,341
269 Shining
Sega's Shining games
11 1,126,437
151 Shiren
7 809,970
38 Silent Hill
12 398,486
143 Silicon Knights
Games developed by Silicon Knights.
3 95,754
89 SimCity DS
2 353,071
189 Sloane and MacHale
2 312,366
61 Sonic
24 2,859,728
120 Soul Calibur
11 700,113
51 Stafi
5 1,367,464
127 Star Fox
5 1,188,750
87 Star Ocean
8 1,431,615
206 Star Ocean 4
2 366,588
126 Star Wars
10 269,912
235 Steins;Gate
8 293,355
39 Street Fighter
18 1,098,877
217 Street Fighter IV
7 636,784
80 Suda 51
7 142,552
128 Suikoden
12 1,267,495
129 Summon Night
10 1,022,506
40 Super Mario Advance
4 3,051,404
130 Super Monkey Ball
5 142,318
131 Super Robot Wars
34 7,734,867
81 Super Smash Bros.
3 5,075,741
90 Taiko DS
3 1,674,573
156 Taiko no Tatsujin
22 7,040,532
42 Tales of
42 9,327,105
103 Tales of Destiny
5 1,408,531
104 Tales of Eternia
2 249,090
267 Tales of Innocence
3 319,825
102 Tales of Phantasia
3 426,292
106 Tales of Rebirth
3 686,437
105 Tales of Symphonia
5 980,028
107 Tales of the Abyss
3 820,757
108 Tales of the World
6 1,138,776
182 Tales of Vesperia
3 594,962
200 Tamagotchi
8 2,823,889
98 Tea Dog's Room DS
4 283,562
132 Tekken
18 1,973,014
133 Tenchu
7 577,353
261 The Elder Scrolls
6 358,853
43 The Legend of Zelda
13 6,480,588
134 Time Crisis
4 233,829
135 Tokimeki Memorial
12 826,259
44 Trauma Center
3 42,570
233 Uncharted
6 262,125
214 Valkyria Chronicles
6 556,130
75 Valkyrie Profile
4 763,003
76 Viewtiful Joe
3 162,365
77 Virtua Fighter
5 785,357
115 Wario non-Ware
4 1,036,271
45 WarioWare
6 3,465,480
163 Wave Race
2 216,685
150 Way of the Samurai
10 1,025,259
97 Wii Balance Board
6 6,565,598
195 Wii Fit
2 5,897,969
236 Wii Play
2 2,880,668
177 Wii Sports
2 6,767,097
49 Wii X
8 18,330,942
96 Wii Zapper
3 560,867
78 Wild ARMs
5 796,858
69 Winning Eleven
63 15,371,832
271 Winning Post
20 841,420
46 Xenosaga
6 938,589
47 Yakuza
15 4,706,708
188 Ys
8 275,991
191 Yu-Gi-Oh
27 2,841,436
Software Super Groups
Games SalesLTD
S2101 1+ million
86 185,615,855
S2102 2+ million
33 115,667,670
S2103 3+ million
19 82,180,409
S613 3DS 2011 releases
43 9,242,854
S623 3DS 2012 releases
70 14,264,617
S634 3DS 2013 releases
2 839,258
S146 3DS all
115 24,346,729
S147 3DS first party
23 13,106,333
S1146 3DS first year
53 10,191,914
S1147 3DS launch
8 1,482,607
S9003 3DS PSV minus Nintendo first party
137 12,732,613
S148 3DS third party
92 11,240,396
S2104 4+ million
9 46,383,698
S2105 5+ million
6 33,207,486
S2106 6+ million
1 6,402,912
S543 DS 2004 releases
11 3,337,387
S553 DS 2005 releases
58 29,106,763
S564 DS 2006 releases
118 36,707,347
S572 DS 2007 releases
162 29,121,203
S582 DS 2008 releases
210 24,783,354
S592 DS 2009 releases
205 24,862,277
S602 DS 2010 releases
168 18,798,150
S612 DS 2011 releases
37 2,609,927
S622 DS 2012 releases
7 3,329,459
S121 DS all
976 172,655,867
S122 DS first party
121 93,546,578
S1121 DS first year
62 22,714,741
S1122 DS launch
9 3,211,511
S9002 DS PSP minus Nintendo first party
1786 146,387,608
S123 DS third party
855 79,109,289
S512 GBA 2001 releases
49 8,638,906
S522 GBA 2002 releases
72 12,688,108
S532 GBA 2003 releases
77 11,041,633
S542 GBA 2004 releases
112 17,636,936
S552 GBA 2005 releases
45 4,530,836
S563 GBA 2006 releases
16 1,630,134
S106 GBA all
371 56,166,553
S107 GBA first party
100 32,270,455
S1106 GBA first year
62 9,185,262
S1107 GBA launch
15 2,550,973
S108 GBA third party
271 23,896,098
S511 GCN 2001 releases
8 3,159,714
S521 GCN 2002 releases
31 4,768,271
S531 GCN 2003 releases
56 7,253,279
S541 GCN 2004 releases
26 3,616,511
S551 GCN 2005 releases
24 2,615,672
S561 GCN 2006 releases
5 370,131
S111 GCN all
150 21,783,578
S112 GCN first party
53 15,087,066
S1111 GCN first year
28 5,085,364
S1112 GCN launch
3 469,648
S113 GCN third party
97 6,696,512
S501 PS2 2000 releases
69 7,782,239
S513 PS2 2001 releases
142 20,259,512
S523 PS2 2002 releases
189 25,106,208
S533 PS2 2003 releases
289 28,596,853
S544 PS2 2004 releases
300 32,976,190
S554 PS2 2005 releases
288 25,910,839
S565 PS2 2006 releases
187 21,009,680
S573 PS2 2007 releases
108 10,735,721
S583 PS2 2008 releases
77 5,517,560
S593 PS2 2009 releases
88 2,507,912
S603 PS2 2010 releases
37 544,462
S614 PS2 2011 releases
3 45,166
S101 PS2 all
1777 180,992,342
S102 PS2 first party
112 15,925,776
S1101 PS2 first year
83 9,270,439
S1102 PS2 launch
7 1,526,996
S103 PS2 third party
1665 165,066,566
S566 PS3 2006 releases
13 789,859
S574 PS3 2007 releases
31 2,882,637
S584 PS3 2008 releases
54 5,216,330
S594 PS3 2009 releases
97 8,276,625
S604 PS3 2010 releases
124 8,983,713
S615 PS3 2011 releases
106 9,797,801
S625 PS3 2012 releases
111 8,400,686
S636 PS3 2013 releases
7 269,433
S136 PS3 all
544 44,779,242
S137 PS3 first party
74 5,414,330
S1136 PS3 first year
36 2,457,186
S1137 PS3 launch
6 525,133
S138 PS3 third party
470 39,364,912
S545 PSP 2004 releases
13 1,853,454
S555 PSP 2005 releases
54 3,917,093
S567 PSP 2006 releases
74 4,898,792
S575 PSP 2007 releases
48 6,687,970
S585 PSP 2008 releases
69 9,918,805
S595 PSP 2009 releases
189 9,614,815
S605 PSP 2010 releases
222 15,679,256
S616 PSP 2011 releases
132 9,874,089
S626 PSP 2012 releases
116 4,475,599
S637 PSP 2013 releases
9 142,309
S126 PSP all
930 67,252,517
S127 PSP first party
82 5,825,170
S1126 PSP first year
60 5,425,132
S1127 PSP launch
6 922,140
S128 PSP third party
848 61,427,347
S618 PSV 2011 releases
8 298,974
S627 PSV 2012 releases
33 1,062,633
S638 PSV 2013 releases
3 79,499
S151 PSV all
45 1,492,217
S152 PSV first party
7 256,114
S1151 PSV first year
40 1,331,664
S1152 PSV launch
8 298,974
S153 PSV third party
38 1,236,103
S562 Wii 2006 releases
21 8,718,009
S571 Wii 2007 releases
51 10,754,061
S581 Wii 2008 releases
65 12,155,326
S591 Wii 2009 releases
83 15,376,204
S601 Wii 2010 releases
59 8,381,577
S611 Wii 2011 releases
29 5,243,629
S621 Wii 2012 releases
9 2,233,825
S141 Wii all
318 62,981,746
S142 Wii first party
74 46,799,594
S1141 Wii first year
66 19,144,841
S1142 Wii launch
17 8,263,181
S143 Wii third party
244 16,182,152
S629 WiiU 2012 releases
5 972,587
S632 WiiU 2013 releases
1 6,241
S156 WiiU all
6 978,828
S157 WiiU first party
2 759,964
S1156 WiiU first year
6 978,828
S1157 WiiU launch
5 972,587
S158 WiiU third party
4 218,864
S557 X360 2005 releases
10 257,803
S568 X360 2006 releases
51 833,287
S576 X360 2007 releases
53 1,274,120
S586 X360 2008 releases
62 2,212,438
S596 X360 2009 releases
72 1,775,983
S606 X360 2010 releases
83 1,515,898
S617 X360 2011 releases
52 708,475
S628 X360 2012 releases
35 386,928
S639 X360 2013 releases
2 9,942
S131 X360 all
420 8,829,120
S132 X360 first party
48 1,850,572
S1131 X360 first year
55 946,081
S1132 X360 launch
6 131,401
S9001 X360 PS3 Wii minus Nintendo first party
1210 69,950,680
S133 X360 third party
372 6,978,548
S524 Xbox 2002 releases
26 691,046
S534 Xbox 2003 releases
22 253,188
S546 Xbox 2004 releases
5 180,234
S556 Xbox 2005 releases
17 104,178
S116 Xbox all
70 1,228,646
S117 Xbox first party
20 271,651
S1116 Xbox first year
34 857,424
S1117 Xbox launch
8 355,227
S118 Xbox third party
50 956,995


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