3DS North American Hardware Shipments
Quarterly values derived from quarterly lifetime values. If a line is blank no numbers were reported that quarter, and the next "Quarterly" column will instead be a value for the half year. Values given are in millions. Yearly column adds up the previous four quarters, with italic numbers showing calendar year totals and bold numbers showing fiscal year numbers.
COMPLETE. These numbers are no longer being regularly reported.
Closely related: * 3DS_NA_SW * 3DS_WW * 3DS_JP * 3DS_EU * 3DSO_NA * 3DSLL_NA * N3DS_NA * N3DSLL_NA * 2DS_NA * N2DSXL_NA * DS_NA * NSW_NA * Wii_NA * WiiU_NA *
Quarter Day Date Quarterly Yearly LTD
0 0 2011-03-27 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 4 2011-03-31 1.32 1.32 1.32
2 95 2011-06-30 0.11 1.43 1.43
3 187 2011-09-30 0.70 2.13 2.13
4 279 2011-12-31 3.34 5.47 5.47
5 370 2012-03-31 0.52 4.67 5.99
6 461 2012-06-30 0.42 4.98 6.41
7 553 2012-09-30 0.97 5.25 7.38
8 645 2012-12-31 2.59 4.50 9.97
9 735 2013-03-31 0.29 4.27 10.26
10 826 2013-06-30 0.36 4.21 10.62
11 918 2013-09-30 0.81 4.05 11.43
12 1010 2013-12-31 2.93 4.39 14.36
13 1100 2014-03-31 0.22 4.32 14.58
14 1191 2014-06-30 0.25 4.21 14.83
15 1283 2014-09-30 0.44 3.84 15.27
16 1375 2014-12-31 1.50 2.41 16.77
17 1465 2015-03-31 0.74 2.93 17.51
18 1556 2015-06-30 0.40 3.08 17.91
19 1648 2015-09-30 0.36 3.00 18.27
20 1740 2015-12-31 1.23 2.73 19.50
21 1831 2016-03-31 0.26 2.25 19.76
22 1922 2016-06-30 0.35 2.20 20.11
23 2014 2016-09-30 0.62 2.46 20.73
24 2106 2016-12-31 1.23 2.46 21.96
25 2196 2017-03-31 0.36 2.56 22.32
26 2287 2017-06-30 0.41 2.62 22.73
27 2379 2017-09-30 0.76 2.76 23.49
28 2471 2017-12-31 1.39 2.92 24.88
29 2561 2018-03-31 0.29 2.85 25.17
30 2652 2018-06-30 0.20 2.64 25.37
31 2744 2018-09-30 0.30 2.18 25.67
32 2836 2018-12-31 0.68 1.47 26.35
33 2926 2019-03-31 0.10 1.28 26.45
34 3017 2019-06-30 0.09 1.17 26.54
35 3109 2019-09-30 0.08 0.95 26.62
36 3201 2019-12-31 0.10 0.37 26.72
37 3292 2020-03-31 0.01 0.28 26.73

Static Shipments